Beginners' Courses

Our next beginners' course will run over two weekends on

September 14th/15th and

September 21st/22nd


If you have any questions, please contact us.

Course fee £65.00

Special rate of £100 combined for junior aged 12 and above

accompanied by a responsible adult.

The Club runs beginners' courses that are designed to teach the basic skills of archery in a friendly and enjoyable way. People of almost any age and physical ability (although a degree of physical fitness is required) can enjoy archery, although the Club does have strict conditions regarding the participation of young persons.

The course comprises four three-hour sessions, starting at 9.30am and finishing at 12.30pm, Saturday and Sunday over both weekends. You will need to be able to complete all four sessions to graduate from the course.

Our courses are run in accordance with Archery GB's requirements and guidelines. All the equipment needed is provided by the club.

At the end of the course you will have been taught the essential safety requirements to protect yourself, and others, from harm. You will be able to shoot a recurve bow with reasonable confidence and skill. You may also have been introduced to other types of bows eg traditional long bow, compound bow etc.

It is national policy that everyone joining the Club must have been on an Archery GB beginners' course, either at Tyndale Archers, or another club.

If you would like to conduct your training even sooner, there are several other archery clubs in the Gloucestershire area and the details of beginners courses that are being run by them can be found here:

Remember, if we are your "local club", but if you have not been successful in getting a place on one of our courses, you are more than welcome to complete your beginners course with another club and then join us once you are qualified.

Course Essentials

The Club follows the Archery GB Policy and guidelines for Children, Young Person and Vulnerable Adults. For the full text click on the link here:

In addition the Club has some specific policies regarding this.

For full details click here.

In practical terms this means the Club will only accept Juniors over 12 years old, (or in Year seven at Secondary School), onto their courses. In addition Juniors under 16 must be accompanied at all times on the course by a parent or guardian. Juniors over 16 may attend unaccompanied provided the Club has a signed consent form from a parent or guardian. If a junior (aged under 16 years) undertakes the beginners course then their responsible adult or parent must also undertake the course.

It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to see the Junior is delivered to and collected from each session in a timely way. Please do not leave unaccompanied juniors at the venue, before or after each session, as this is not the Club’s responsibility.

The Instructor in charge of the course will always be an Archery GB qualified coach of Level 1 (or higher). They will be supported by both other coaches and experienced Club archers. Archery GB is the governing body for archery activities in Great Britain and is recognised as such by the world governing body for the sport. 

There are dress regulations for your own comfort and safety:

  • Long hair should be secured out of the way.

  • Wear close fitting clothes that will not catch on the bow string.

  • Avoid loose sleeves, baggy collars, cardigans and scarves.

  • Shoes should have enclosed toes, so that you do not stub against arrows buried in the grass.

  • Flipflops, sandals and open toed shoes will not be allowed.

  • Please remove all facial piercings and upper body piercings. If these get caught in a bow string it will be very painful.

  • Avoid dangly earrings and loose bracelets and necklaces, for the same reasons.

  • On outdoor courses bring a warm jumper and a waterproof. Once the sun goes down it can get quite chilly.

If, having successfully completed the course, the Beginner decides to pursue archery and join the club, they are very strongly advised NOT to immediately rush out and buy their own equipment. There are significant changes during first three months so buying equipment too soon can be a waste of money.
We recognise that most beginners need time after completing the beginners course to decide on what sort of bow they would like to shoot, therefore the Club will loan out the Club’s own equipment for up to 3 months after completing the course, at a one-off charge of £10. After 3 months the ongoing loan of equipment may not be possible due to the need to support further beginners courses with the Club’s equipment. If equipment is made available for loan after 3 months, this will be at the discretion of the Club committee.
Once the beginner has decided to get their own kit, if asked, a member of the coaching team will be happy to advise on the purchase of suitable equipment. This is to encourage beginners to buy appropriate kit that is tailored to their need and skills. It is all too easy to waste money on a bow or arrows that do not suit an individual. Above all you are exhorted NOT to buy equipment from internet auction sites until you are experienced, as you will almost certainly choose the wrong stuff.

The Club will endeavour to deliver a suitable beginners’ course to anyone who asks for it. However, if you have a disability or previous injury which might affect you physical ability to shoot a bow and arrow, you must tell us about it, in confidence, beforehand. We will always try to work with you to enjoy the course, provided we believe it is safe for you to do so.

If an applicant wishes to cancel their place on the course a full refund will only be provided if a replacement applicant can be found before the course commences. Once a course has started no refunds or credit will be granted unless lessons are cancelled by the course organisers.

On submitting this form, your details will be held in a database maintained by Tyndale Archers. The database will only be used for insurance purposes and the organising & running of the beginners' course. Tyndale Archers will not pass your information to any other person or organisation without your consent, unless we have a legal obligation to do so. Any personal information you supply on this form will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will only be used for the above purposes. Your signature indicates your agreement to your details being held in the Club's database.