Join Us

For the latest application form, please email

At the end of the Beginners’ Course you may choose to join the Club as a full member, subject to paying the full member subscription and affiliation fees. There has been a change in the structure of fees at Archery GB in recent months

The membership fees for existing members for 2024/25, which include the new Archery GB fee structure costs are as follows:

  • £195.40.00 for Senior Club Members Over 25
  • £191.40 for Adult Members under 25 years on 1st October
  • £78.50 for Adult Members under 21 years on 1st October
  • £77.17 for Juniors under 18 years on 1st October
  • £72.50 for Archers with disabilities 

The total amount is comprised of the following four elements

Archery GB:

This fee is paid to the national governing body for archery and provides your third party insurance, quarterly magazine and membership card.

Grand Western Archery Society (GWAS):

This is the regional subscription, which currently runs from 1st October until 30 September each year:

Gloucestershire Archery Society (GAS):

This is the county subscription, which currently runs from 1st October until 30 September each year

Club Membership

The club membership runs from 1st October until 30 September each year:

  • £113.40 for all adults over 25
  • £52.50 for juniors, young adults and disabled members.

This fee is inclusive of all your club indoor and outdoor shooting

Associate Membership

Already affiliated to another club through Archery GB and paid your dues to them, GWAS and GAS? Want to train with us regularly too?
You can apply for Associate Membership which is currently £113.40 per year, or £52.50 for Juniors and disabled archers. 

The Tyndale Twelve Shoot Pass.

This pass is designed to help those who like to shoot but cannot attend club training
nights regularly enough to make full membership an option. It is particularly suited to
students studying away from home or disabled archers, who may be restricted in the
number of opportunities they have to shoot but still wish to keep their hand in. 

To apply for this pass you must first be a member of all the governing bodies relevant
to shooting at our club, so you MUST be a member of Archery GB and able to
produce your membership card each time you shoot. No card, no shooting! You must
also be a member of the Gloucestershire Archery Society also known as GAS, and
finally a member the Grand Western Archery Society also known as GWAS. You will
be required to supply a copy of the receipts on application. See price structure above
for their fees.

You can apply to the club to purchase a Shooting Card for £50.00 which allows you
to shoot at our club 12 times. The club has limited passes available so the committee
must approve applications. The card and AGB membership card MUST be shown to
a senior club member BEFORE each shooting session begins. The Shooting Card
will then have 1 session marked off it, allowing you to know how many sessions you
have left. The sessions can be chosen by the archer and can be used indoors or
outdoors as required.

The card is valid for 12 shoots over 1 year, any remaining shoots are lost at the end
of the year. Archers are limited to purchasing 1 card in each 12 month period.
It is worth noting if you find you shoot more frequently it may be cost effective to join
Tyndale Archers as a full or associate member.

Please send any enquiries about the Tyndale Twelve Shoot Pass to the club
Treasurer via our website e-mail link.

Shooting Fees for Visiting Archers

Adults/Juniors: £5 per session.

A Visitor is an archer who is either affiliated to Archery GB through another club, or a direct member of Archery GB. If you are already a member of another Archery GB affiliated club and visiting the area, you are welcome to shoot with us on club nights by prior arrangement with the secretary. So as not to void our insurance you will be required to show proof of current Archery GB membership before shooting; No card, no shooting!